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What payment methods are available for property taxes?
This answer has been viewed 50740 times and was last updated on 03/03/2021.
The best option is to pay online! You may pay by electronic debit of your checking account (also known as e-check, which must be in U.S. funds) or by credit card or debit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Line of credit checks, credit card cash-advance checks or checks drawn on an ACH-blocked checking account are not accepted.
To remit by mail, make your check payable to Ken Burton, Jr., Tax Collector, and send to:
Manatee County Tax Collector
PO Box 25300
Bradenton FL 34206-5300
Send overnight mail to:
Manatee County Tax Collector
819 301 Blvd W
Bradenton FL 34205
For in-person payments, we accept cash, check, cashier's check, money order, debit card (subject to your bank's daily card limit), credit card or certified funds. A processing fee applies if you pay by debit card or credit card. For debit cards, the fee is $2.50. For credit cards, the fee is 2.5% with a minimum of $2.50. Our office does not retain any portion of this fee. Checks submitted in payment of any transaction must be in U.S. funds and must include full name, street address (no PO Box), home and work telephone number with area code, driver license number, and driver license state of issuance. Starter checks are not acceptable. Credit of payment is subject to check clearance. If your check is returned, it may be re-presented electronically. By submitting payment by check, you are authorizing service charges and processing fees, as permitted by Florida Statute 832, to be debited from the same account by paper draft or electronically, at the option of the tax collector.
All delinquent taxes must be paid in the form of cash, cashier's check, treasurer's check, money order, debit card, credit card or certified funds or credit card (if paying online only).
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