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What are my options to renew my Florida driver license?
This answer has been viewed 55726 times and was last updated on 01/20/2022.
You may renew your license by mail (if a renewal card is received and states you're eligible to renew by mail) or on the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles online services website (mydmvportal.flhsmv.gov) one time if you have not renewed online previously.
If renewing by mail, the Manatee County Tax Collector's office does not process driver license renewals by mail. You must mail the renewal form to:
Division of Motorist Services
2900 Apalachee Parkway, MS92
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Otherwise, you must come in to an office. (Not all customers are eligible to renew by mail or online.) View our driver license and ID card publication for specific information and documents you will need to bring with you to renew your driver license.
If you renewed online but have not received your new license yet, use the state's online status check website (mydmvportal.flhsmv.gov/home/en/publicweb/dlcheck) to see if/when your license was mailed. If you ordered online, it takes a minimum of 7 to 10 business days to receive – that’s a full two weeks. If this time frame has passed, check with your mail carrier or the U.S. postal service to ensure there has not been a problem with your mail delivery. The state cannot remail to you until 30 days have passed.
If it has been 30 days, contact the state through their customer service page. Complete the online form and provide your full legal name, complete address, date of birth, driver license number, and a short note related to your inquiry. After receiving your information, a research of your inquiry will be done and the state will advise you.
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