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Chapter 119 Public Record Request


This page is for Florida Statute Chapter 119 requests only. For all other information, use our website's menus or visit our Help Center.

Florida law prohibits our office from releasing information on protected property tax parcels, so we cannot process Chapter 119 requests on those parcels. For information on getting a duplicate tax bill or receipt for a protected parcel, read our Protected Owner Information Chapter 119 Publication.

Common Requests

Our office sometimes receives requests for information that's available for free on our website or for which we're not the custodian of record. Here's a list of commonly requested information and where you can obtain it:

  • Unclaimed or excess funds for properties – Visit the Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller's unclaimed funds page.
  • DOR codes, acreage, or vacant land and improvement information on properties – Visit the Manatee County Property Appraiser website.
  • Property tax records from 1998 through the current year – Visit our property tax website, where you can obtain these records at no charge. If you don't want to get this information from our website and would like our office to provide these records to you for a fee, please submit a Chapter 119 request below.
  • Property tax records prior to 1998 – Visit the Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller website.
  • List of unpaid property taxes – Download our tax data research file. (The ZIP file includes documentation about the file structure.) If you don't want to download this file and would like our office to provide it to you by another method for a fee, please submit a Chapter 119 request below.

If you need to request information that's not in this list, you may submit a Chapter 119 request below.


We evaluate each request to determine if it will incur any fees. If fees apply, we will provide a quote and instructions for submitting your payment. We must receive payment before we copy or release the requested information.

The fee schedule is available on the request form, so you can estimate your fees before submitting your request.

Submit a Chapter 119 Request

As required by Florida law, we will redact confidential and exempt information prior to releasing records.

Before you continue, please review our list of common requests and fee information above. If your request doesn't fall into any of those categories, you may proceed to the Chapter 119 Request Form.

Under F.S. 668.6076, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. The accuracy of the information provided on this website is not guaranteed for legal purposes. All online payment transactions are final and cannot be reversed, cancelled, post-dated, or refunded. ©2025 Manatee County Tax Collector's office. All rights reserved.
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